With the EtherNet/IP driver, the operating data can sent from the host system or can be set in the driver and selected and executed from a host system. Host system connection and control are performed with I/O Stored Data or EtherNet/IP communications.
EtherNet/IP™ is a trademark of ODVA.
Products that can include EtherNet/IP Communication
The αSTEP AZ Series stepper motors offer high efficiency, low vibration and incorporates our newly developed Mechanical Absolute Encoder for absolute-type positioning without battery back-up or external sensors to buy. Closed loop performance without hunting or gain tuning. Available with a built-in controller or pulse input driver which substantially reduces heat generation from the motor through the use of high-efficiency technology. Requires αSTEP AZ Series Driver.
Motors offer excellent controllability and are therefore used as the drive sources of various automated equipment. In many cases a motor is combines with various mechanical components such as a ball screw, belt and pulley, and rack and pinion to convert the motor rotation to a different type of motion needed to drive the equipment. Oriental Motor has various linear actuators consisting of a motor assembled with the necessary mechanical components to meet the various needs of automated equipment.
The DGII Series is a line of of products that combine a high rigidity hollow rotary table with an αSTEP absolute encoder AZ series closed loop stepper motor and driver package. It retains the ease of use of a stepper motor, while also allowing for highly accurate positioning of large inertia loads.
The OVR Series offers Articulated 4-axis, 5-axis, and 6-axis small horizontal transport robots, SCARA robots and Cartesian robots with a simple mechanism that can be easily controlled and constructed cost-effectively. Control with the MRC Series controller and AZ Series motor drivers.
These servo motors are equipped with a battery-free absolute encoder. They are suitable for continuous speed control or positioning applications with a large amount of travel since they achieve high torque in the high speed range. The basic operations are the same as the AZ Series, making combined use of equipment easy.
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